labrys, études féministes/ estudos feministas
janvier / juin 2013  -janeiro / junho 2013



call of papers





Dear colleague,

For the 24th issue we are organizing dossiers about “Femicide/ Feminicide”. “ Anti Speciesism”, and “Prostitution Abolition”. The dossier on Adventurous women is already open: explorations, travels, discoveries, archeological explorers, etc) And of course, a feminist research dossier.

If you are working in these domains we would be happy to receive your text (submitted to a Reading Committee).
Deadline is 10th of September 2013. Norms are online.

Your suggestions for further issues are welcomed and certainly will help us keep quality standard of our magazine.

Yours truly,

tania navarro swain, PhD
University of Brasilia

  • labrys, études féministes/ estudos feministas
    janvier / juin 2013  -janeiro / junho 2013